Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Intalio - Getting Your First Process Right

I have been hooked onto Intalio ever since I discovered it in the last week of July 2009. I did have some hiccups in installing the designer, mainly with the version of JDK. Having installed it I then had issues with starting Geronimo because of my Browser and Mail client followed by issues in using the web service. Though the documentation on the Intalio community web site is helpful its rather fragmented and difficult for a first timer to get a grip on it. The boarders on the forums are helpful but it takes a few days before someone posts to your questions. I thought I should supplement the available information on the Intalio web site with a document of my own that illustrates the installation process and how to get your first process right. This I hope helps a beginner and removes the frustration of having to search through various posts to get your first BPM right. You can find it here. You'll need any Open Office compatible wordprocesser to view it.